When someone has a dispute with a REALTOR® and believes there’s been a violation of the 道德守则, 德州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人® provides a few options to address the problem. One option allows members of the public and other REALTORS® to file an anonymous ethics complaint for the following types of 道德守则 violations:


  • Failure to disclose existence of dual or variable rate commission.
  • Failure to disclose existence of accepted offers to any broker seeking cooperation.


  • Failure to disclose REALTOR® interest in property being bought or sold.


  • Providing professional service without disclosing interest in property.


  • Accepting any commission, rebate, or profit on expenditures without client’s knowledge or consent.


  • Failure to present a true picture in real estate communications and advertising.
  • Failure to disclose professional status in advertising and other representations.
  • Failure to disclose compensation from third party for services provided free to a client.
  • Advertisement offering to sell or lease property without authority of owner or listing broker.
  • Failure to disclose name of firm in advertisement of real estate services or listed property in any medium.
  • Failure to disclose status as both owner/landlord and REALTOR® or license holder when advertising property in which REALTOR® has ownership interest.
  • 谎称已出售财产的.
  • Registration or use of deceptive URL or domain name.


  • Failure to cooperate in any professional standards proceeding or investigation requested by the association.


  • Use of terms of an offer to modify listing broker’s offer of compensation.
  • Placement of for sale or for lease sign on property without permission of seller or landlord.

To file an anonymous complaint, take these steps:

  1. Make sure the person who is the subject of your complaint is a REALTOR®. 使用可用的搜索工具 wanyingzy.com/complaints.
  2. Make sure the complaint only cites a violation of one or more articles listed here. Anonymous complaints that contain any other article will be dismissed. Violations of articles not on this list cannot be made anonymously.
  3. 包括被访者的全名.
  4. Provide evidence of the violation, such as photos or screenshots.
  5. 注意事件发生的日期.

Once filed, the respondent will be given 15 days to reply. A grievance tribunal will determine if there’s sufficient evidence to support the alleged violation.

If there is insufficient evidence, the complaint will be dismissed. 如果有足够的证据, 被告将被发出传票, which he or she can accept (and pay a fine and take mandatory ethics training, if applicable) or reject and request a full professional standards hearing.

Learn more about the ethics complaint process at wanyingzy.com/complaints.